📣 Summer Break July 28-August 25. Studio will be closed and all memberships put on hold

📣 Summer Break July 28-August 25.
Studio will be closed and all memberships put on hold.

Mon-Sat : 10:00 – 19:00


You can get a lot from your gym workout, but yoga is a work-in. It’s a practice of moving the mind inward while cleansing joints, muscles, and strengthening bones.

In case you’re thinking “What, me do yoga? No way. I’m not flexible!”

You do not have to be flexible to practice. In Iyengar yoga, we have techniques and tools to ease your way into more fluid and flexible hips, shoulders, and back. A good yoga practice gives energy, ease of movement, peace of mind, and better rest at night.

When we explore the body in yoga, we open the mind. Stress dissolves. We feel contented and grateful for all that we have.

I hope you’ll join me for Men’s Essentials. This is a class for beginners and continuing male students. We start with basic actions and build our sequence of asanas to more challenging actions. You will be encouraged to practice at your own level. 


Please inquire about the next session starting in January, 2024.

Meet your teacher

Pauline Schloesser, Ph.D.
Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher, IAYT Yoga Therapist

My interest in yoga has always been more than physical. For me it was the way toward a spiritual life. Working with only the Sivananda Companion to Yoga book while in college, I loved how the postures made me feel –warm, light, supple, strong, and light-hearted.