Learn the basic postures at a pace that is right for you, with people in your own age group. We begin with a close examination of the feet and legs, then learn how to use the feet in basic standing postures.
We also learn how to sit upright using the legs and activating the spine. From there other seated postures are introduced, and simple supine postures, all leading up to a shoulder stand or appropriate substitution. Props are provided for modification when needed.
The is an on-going class that allows drop-in students. Students must be healthy, able go up and down stairs, and get up and down from the floor independently. If there is hearing impairment, please wear hearing aid. Topics of yoga philosophy will be discussed.
- Most Saturdays at 8:30 to 9:45 am
Iyengar Yoga and manual adjustments
In Iyengar Yoga, manual adjustments are offered when appropriate, to help the student perform the actions of an asana or to prevent a student from self-injury. Students in Iyengar Yoga classes will not receive physical adjustments from the teacher unless they provide affirmative consent. Please understand that is your right not to be touched and that you may withdraw consent previously given at any time.