📣 Summer Break July 28-August 25. Studio will be closed and all memberships put on hold

📣 Summer Break July 28-August 25.
Studio will be closed and all memberships put on hold.

Mon-Sat : 10:00 – 19:00

2022 at Alcove Yoga

Pauline Schloesser, Ph.D., Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher, IAYT Yoga Therapist

As we get into the thick of this year’s holiday season, I want to thank all of you for choosing Alcove Yoga as your place to take yoga classes. 

This year we added three new initiatives: the Men’s Essentials Class, the Intensive Yoga Studies Program, and the Rewards Program.

The Men’s Class wasn’t really new– but it was new to me, because Leah Hogarth, a student of Iyengar Yoga and certified teacher (CIYT) had always taught this class.  Sadly Leah moved to Virginia. We miss you, Leah!  

The good news is that after offering a couple of 10-week sessions, I got the hang of it and now it’s on the schedule as a regular class. Men tend to have greater upper body strength, but shorter hamstrings. They are more likely to need encouragement trained to let go of competition and be self-compassionate. It starts out as a very physical practice, but over time they, like everyone, realize the self-reflection that the practice of asana engenders. The time flies and we all seem to have a good time.

Two motivations inspired creation of the Fall Intensive Yoga Studies Program.  I ain’t gettin’ any younger, and who knows how long I’ll be able to keep up the variety and number of classes I’ve been offering. This community needs a new generation of teachers in the Iyengar method. Secondly, the series of four weekend intensives allowed deeper involvement for those who just wanted more for themselves–not necessarily to teach others.

It has been such a gift to me to have a core of dedicated students who will meet with me for 10 hours on the weekend to delve deeper into asana, yoga philosophy, chanting, anatomy, and therapeutics. I confess that my favorite part is the philosophy discussion around my dinner table with tea. These discussions give me a chance to share some of the mystical aspects of yoga that cannot be shared in an asana class. I hope to offer something like this again with a few more of you taking part.

Finally, we started using the Rewards Program on Wellness Living. Inflationary pressures hit some more than others, and this was a way to soften the blow. It is also important to give back to loyal students who for writing reviews and referring your friends to Alcove Yoga. You also get points on your birthday and every time you attend class!

You may want to check your profile in Wellness Living and see how many points you’ve racked up. Just yesterday, someone redeemed points for a $40 discount on a purchase. Consider these points my gift to you!

I know that many of you are taking yoga classes simply because it makes you feel better in the here and now. Regular practice of asana helps everyone stay healthy, mobile and mentally sharp, and emotionally balanced.

I appreciate all the parents out there who watch the kids so their spouses can come to class. And I thank all of you for referring your partner, spouse, or friend to the studio. 

From my family to yours–best wishes for a great time with loved ones this holiday season. 
