- For beginners: Iyengar Ignite! 10 classes, 75 minutes each. These are fast moving classes for restless or healthy, young, beginners who can’t sit still long, or who need to “work out”.
- For older beginners: 50+ Ignite. If you want to start yoga, but you’re over 50 and do not relish jumping, sweating, and moving quickly, start here. All of us who teach Iyengar Yoga know very well that beginners over 50 really do need a slower class with more intelligent action, explanation, and maybe a few props!
- Intermediate Classes: Once you’ve got the basics of standing poses, and you really want to learn more and more asana, you go to Intermediate and then advanced classes. These classes are go to assume that you are a regular practitioner and you know the names of asanas in Sanskrit and English, and how to practice them. You’re going to be pushed to exceed your comfort zone and take on new challenges. I do not have advanced classes yet, but I hope someday I will. It takes dedicated students.
- Women’s Essentials: this is a class that is devoted to the physical and mental wellbeing of women throughout their reproductive and post-reproductive years, except during pregnancy.
- Yoga for Pregnancy: classes devoted exclusively to pregnant women from 13 – 41 weeks. I do not recommend any pregnant woman to start yoga unsupervised. I have made these videos available to women who are signed up for streaming classes.