Beginner Classes
- Ignite! I & Ignite! II
- 10-week series of classes for consistent learning (no drop-ins)
- Ignite! 1 for those new to Iyengar Yoga or those who have been through prenatal yoga and have 6 months postpartum.
- Ignite! II for those who have completed Ignite! I and wish to continue to get stronger and learn Head Stand or appropriate alternatives.
Wednesdays, 7:15 to 8:45 pm, September 12 to November 14
Booking Links
Iyengar Yoga and manual adjustments
In Iyengar Yoga, manual adjustments are offered when appropriate, to help the student perform the actions of an asana or to prevent a student from self-injury. Students in Iyengar Yoga classes will not receive physical adjustments from the teacher unless they provide affirmative consent. Please understand that is your right not to be touched and that you may withdraw consent previously given at any time.